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Today Cosplay

Saturday, October 9, 2010

WWCPJ Mexico announcing 3rd Receiver!

YES YES YES!!!! Hiroky from Mexico has announced the 3rd receiver!
Hiroky looks so cute here and excuse me while I gawk at her lovely green walls xD. Congratulations to Laura Ribeiro from Brazil for being the 3rd participant !! I hope you’re still interested in the project and remember to send your mailing details to Hiroky soon ^_^
For those of you who wants to be the next participant, hurry up and comment over at the main page or the first blog entry. For ease of calculating, I have decided that only comments at those two entry will be considered for participation =) Of course, there’s no stopping you from commenting on this page to celebrate xD!
I’m always so excited and touched whenever I watch the videos , really wondering how the scarf will look when the project ends ^_^
Check out Hiroky’s cosplay blog too ^_^ !
