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Today Cosplay

Friday, October 22, 2010

AFA: Regional Cosplay Championship Finalist 2010

Much thanks to Clive for informing me. But yeay, AFA finally announced this piece of news. We were actually told about this last week but were not given the permission to mention it until they have. 
Yes, Zephyus and myself have been selected to represent Singapore at the Regional Cosplay Competition 2010. It was a very unexpected result.

Quite amused by the photo of Zephyus they use. Kinda made it looked like Team Singapore has 3 participants XD.

Now I guess you guys can understand why there is a slight slowing down in updates recently, I’ve been dedicating more time to costumes. I’m really excited but pressurised at the same time because our competitors are just too awesome. I can only pray that I would not disgrace Singapore =(
Wish me luck and please remember to schedule time out to CHEER FOR US on the actual day itself!!!!
